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Downingtown Nutrition & Weight Management Center

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Bean Salad Number of Servings:4

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 0 minutes (the way we like it!)

Ingredients :

1 cup beans, black, canned rinsed

1 cup beans, kidney, all types, canned, solids + liquid

1 cup corn, sweet, yellow, frozen kernels off cob, boiled, drained

4 celery stalks raw, diced

0.25 cup pepper, sweet, red, raw, diced

3 tomato(s) tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, diced

1 tbsp cilantro, fresh, diced

2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar

2 tbsp vegetable oil, olive

1. Combine ingredients. Best if made the day before (or at least 4 hours prior to serving) for increased flavor.

Nutrients per Serving (per one serving of recipe)

In this chart you’ll see the amount of nutrients for one serving of your recipe. Compare these numbers to the recommended daily intake for your age and sex.
Calories (kcal) 244.6
Folate (μg) 143.2
Protein (g) 10
Fat (g) 8.1
Carbohydrate (g) 36.1
Calcium (mg) 70
Sugar (g) 6.2
Iron (mg) 2.7
Fibre (g) 10.1
Sodium (mg) 241.8
Vitamin A (μg) 82.9
Potassium (mg) 796.9
Vitamin C (mg) 38.9

Food Guide Servings (per one serving of recipe)

Vegetables and Fruit

Meat and Alternatives

Guilt Free Spaghetti Number of Servings:6

Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

12 cup spaghetti squash, baked, raked with fork

4 Clove garlic, raw, chopped

2 cup onions, raw, chopped

6 tomato(s) tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, chopped

1 tsp pepper, black

2 cup Beans, white, raw

6 Leaves basil, fresh


1. Poke spag. squash (summer squash in recipe) in 3 or 4 places with a fork and place on plate, loosely covered with microwave-safe plastic wrap, and cook at full power for 9 minutes. Let stand still covered for another 5 minutes.

2. Combine minced garlic and onion with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive garden in nonstick skillet for 10 minutes (or until onions look translucent). Fork or rake out spag. squash (removing seeds) and add to pan.

3. Add chopped tom., basil, squash, and any other veggies you wish. Cook until veggies soft but dente.

Nutrients per Serving (per one serving of recipe)
In this chart you’ll see the amount of nutrients for one serving of your recipe. Compare these numbers to the recommended daily intake for your age and sex.

Calories (kcal) 370.1
Folate (μg) 395
Protein (g) 22.4
Fat (g) 2.2 (LOW FAT!)
Carbohydrate (g) 72.2
Calcium (mg) 311
Sugar (g) 17.9
Iron (mg) 9.5
Fibre (g) 18.8
Sodium (mg) 28.1
Vitamin A (μg) 99.4
Potassium (mg) 2514.8

Be Food Label Saavy

What's the easiest way to tell if a food product is healthy?

Flip it over and look at the Nutrition Facts or the Food Label and the ingredient list. Remember you want to look at the servings first. Don't be mislead by smaller or larger than normal serving sizes. Then look for low-fat items (3 grams of fat or less per serving). Pay notice to the Daily Value %, remember anything that is 10% or higher you want to limit in sodium, total fat, sugar and cholesterol. As for fiber, the more of it, the better (10% or higher)! A great goal to strive for is 25-35 grams of fiber per day, but remember to drink water or you'll be sorry! A high fiber cereal with fruit (like FiberOne Raisin Bran) is a great breakfast to start your day.

The Food and Drug Adminsitration (FDA) has a great website with fantastic pictures of labels, available at It even has quizzes to test your food label reading knowledge!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Portions Sizes, My Have Things Changed!

As you recall from our slide show, the rates of Americans who are overweight and obese have increased dramatically in 20 years. Not surprising is our portions sizes when dining out have also increased. So what can we do about this?
1. Become portion size savvy.
When dining out, share with a friend, use the other half as lunch the next day, or simply ask for the "kiddie size". Remember if you do indulge, how much exercise will it take to burn those extra calories?
2. Know what your calorie "allowance" is. Use to keep track.
3. Write it down.
Remember you are twice as likely to lose weight if you write it down!
4. If you fall of the wagon, get back on.
Everyone has their days, but remember it's all about moderation and eating healthy. Fill out your behavior chain to see if you can identfy what triggered your unhealthy behavior. Focus on your fruits and vegetables and water intake. Make sure you exericise, do it in 15 minute bursts if you don't have time. Remember you have to move to lose!
You can do it! Keep up the great work and remember the outcome....a healthy you!