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Downingtown Nutrition & Weight Management Center

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Goodbye Thanksgiving Hello Extra Pounds

Deep breath. Step on the scale. Really? This must be wrong. Repeat. Yup..looks like it's the same weight. I really gained 6 pounds since last week! I think this is some sort of record for me. I was doing so well...working the treadmill giving myself an extra 15 minutes each day so I can allow myself extra calories for the big day of binge eating. Then the family came to town, along with it eating out and little time for my routine workout. Well I guess when I fall of the wagon I really fall off! If I gained 6 pounds that means I ate 21,000 extra calories. Was it worth it..nope (well the awesome date with my husband was worth it and the fabulous HEALTHY food at Amani's too)! I will remember this horrible feeling next time I do not stick to my routine 30 minute walk and I want to eat 3 pieces of chocolate cake! NOT WORTH IT!!!! Back to the drawing board. Tomorrow I see healthy eating in my future....scrambled eggs and spinach with assorted berries for breakfast.

Just another thought of my big fall from grace, emotional eating. The holidays are hard, especially when you lost a loved one. My husband said I was a big mean this weekend. I attribute the mood to missing my dad. Sometimes we do not even realize we are feeling blue and eat to self-medicate. In my case, it was a super fabulous Godiva chocolate cake I made for the holidays. Should of left it at the relatives house--maybe it would of saved me a few pounds:) I will continue to reflect and smile at old memories but will move forward to make new great memories. Life is such an adventure and everyday truly is a gift. Continue to eat healthy and stay active everyday and you will get to enjoy that gift longer!


The Dieting Dietitian

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Milestone

My Annie Bannannie turned 1 on Wednesday (FYI-not a cake fan :) The poor first kid, the 2 year old didn't even get a cake for her first birthday. I made her a cake out of yogurt and strawberries. The entire family wrote me off as crazy, but it was out of pure laziness the 2nd got cake!). It was a celebration of her life, of survival (for my husband, myself and our 2 year old), and a reminder that I am not the same weight as I was before I was pregnant with her. I also stopped breastfeeding and my body has changed DRAMATICALLY! It's all a bit depressing and I will admit...the cake my husband and I agreed to take to the "party table" at work, ended up being secretly sliced up and tucked in the back of the freezer (Hello it was from Bakers of Buffington..yum)and yes I ate it last night. My husband did find me in bed in my sugar coma and I shared it with him, which we both had buyers remorse later! On top of that, I did not do too many active things that day and did not actively exercise.

This morning I had an "official" reminder that I'm not pregnant or BF if you know what I mean. It took a seminar in weight loss coaching today, (Thank you Laurie you were GREAT), to kick me off my mopey mood and kick it in gear.

Treadmill + healthy balanced dinner + dance off with the 1 and 2 year old = back on track!

And yes the cake was worth it and I'm happy I shared the calories. An extra bit of motivation is having the treadmill in the bedroom. I have to see it when I retreat to the bedroom, and 99% of the time I use it. For those of you who want one but find it too expensive, I got it from someone who upgraded..for free! Check Craig's List and your local community paper. Just make sure you meet people in a well lit and crowded safe!

One more thing! My group of fabulous girlfriends challenged me to a 9 mile hike in Delaware this Saturday. I'm terrified I may drop out half way through (they are actually using a park ranger) and be left by myself. Should I do it?


The Dieting Dietitian