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Downingtown Nutrition & Weight Management Center

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What does my pedometer read

Snow day = 2 sick kids at home + 1 husband. What is not in this equation is exercise or movement! I just checked my pedometer and I didn't even get to 5,000 steps! That's horrible and disappointing. The goal is to at least get to 6,000 steps for weight maintenance and 10,000 steps a day for weight loss. I didn't even hit it in the middle. To top it off, my oldest convinced me to make cupcakes (the size of your thumb-how is that for portion size), but I shoveled in a handful without even tasting it. I'm thankful for NOT keeping any tempting goodies in the house (i.e. chocolate, cookies, candy, did I say chocolate?), because I would have eaten them all! It was that kind of day, off of my schedule, chaos, and stuck in the house. For future snow days, I will plan more activities that involve movement, (think dance contest and Wi Fit!), when we are all stuck in the house. Yes shoveling counts too, but the husband accomplished this (did I mention he lost over 20 pounds since December! Thank you Dietitian wife :-) However it was his motivation that really kicked him into gear).

1) I did try to stick to smaller portions
2) I tracked my activity (hey at least I knew I didn't burn any calories today)\
3) There was no "junk" in the house.
4) I'm able to reflect I need to do more and I WILL DO IT!

YOU WILL DO IT TOO! Be positive and remember tomorrow is a new day, full of possibility and challenges. Remind yourself you are strong and confident. You can reach your goals too, just keep going!

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